Whyt Whey & Ostgardr Heraldry

Devices for all Whyt Whey members (and those who asked to be included in our site banner) and relevant Ostgardr arms have been re-drawn by our (proposed new) herald, Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin. You are welcome to use the included images for your own purposes. They are presented here as 2 PDFs. Please let the webminister know if you need assistance selecting, cropping or re-sizing your own device from the material provided herein.



3 thoughts on “Whyt Whey & Ostgardr Heraldry

  1. These are definitely still a work in progress.

    If I’ve butchered your design, please feel free to complain!

  2. Thanks for doing all this nice work. One thing, the “German Beetle” on the White Whey arms is traditionally drawn “dismembered” (the limbs separated from the body). I guess that would work better in a stylized graphic than a realistic drawing, like you have here.

  3. Fair point. My freehand drawing skills are worthless, so I’ve just been cutting and pasting stock heraldry images, which are in short supply for this particular variety of insect. I’ll take another look around for other bits of clip art, or see whether I can convert our old bitmapped image to the kind of vector format I’m using here.

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